How to Fix Common Denture Problems (Denture Repair Kits) - XODENT
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How to Fix Common Denture Problems (Denture Repair Kits)

A denture repair kit is a handy tool that allows individuals to fix minor damage or make temporary repairs to their dentures at home. It provides a convenient and cost-effective solution for those who may need immediate repairs or cannot access a dentist immediately. Denture repair kits typically come with various materials and tools necessary for repairing broken or damaged dentures.

The process of using a denture repair kit is relatively simple. It involves cleaning the denture, applying the repair material, and then curing or drying the repair. The specific instructions may vary depending on the type of denture repair kit being used.

Using a denture repair kit offers several benefits. It allows for quick and convenient repairs, saves time and money by avoiding the need for a dental visit, and helps restore the functionality of the dentures. Having a denture repair kit on hand can provide peace of mind for individuals who rely on their dentures for everyday activities.

There are different types of denture repair kits available in the market. Some adhesive-based kits use a special adhesive to bond the broken pieces of the denture together, while resin-based kits involve using a liquid resin to fill in the cracks or gaps. There are also temporary denture repair kits that provide temporary fixes until a professional repair can be done.

While denture repair kits can be useful for minor repairs, they do have limitations. They are not suitable for complex or extensive damages, and poorly fitting dentures may require professional adjustments rather than a DIY repair. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a dentist for proper assistance.

When using a denture repair kit, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and take necessary precautions. This may include avoiding contact with the repair materials, ensuring proper hygiene, and using protective measures to prevent any accidents or injuries.

Denture repair kits can be purchased from various sources including dental supply stores, online retailers, and some pharmacies. It is essential to choose a reputable brand and carefully read product reviews before making a purchase to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the kit.


Key takeaway:

  • Efficient denture repair: Denture repair kits provide a convenient solution for fixing broken or damaged dentures at home, saving time and money on dental visits.
  • Simple and user-friendly: Denture repair kits are easy to use, with step-by-step instructions on cleaning, applying repair materials, and curing the repair, allowing individuals to repair their dentures with minimal hassle.
  • Conditions for usage: Denture repair kits are suitable for minor damages and well-fitting dentures. Complex or extensive damage and poorly fitting dentures may require professional dental assistance.

What Is a Denture Repair Kit?

A denture repair kit is a set of tools and materials that are used to fix broken or damaged dentures. These kits are designed to be easy to use and allow individuals to repair their dentures at home. Denture repair kits consist of various components, including adhesive, replacement teeth, and dental tools.

The main purpose of a denture repair kit is to provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for individuals who have damaged dentures. Instead of having to visit a dentist and incur expensive repair costs, individuals can use a denture repair kit to fix minor issues themselves. These kits are especially useful for individuals who may have limited access to dental services.

When using a denture repair kit, it is important to carefully follow the instructions provided. The kit typically includes step-by-step instructions on how to properly repair the dentures. It is crucial to ensure that the materials and tools are used correctly to achieve the desired results.

While a denture repair kit can be a helpful tool, it is important to note that it may not be suitable for all types of denture damage. Severe fractures or extensive damage may require professional dental intervention. Therefore, it is important to assess the extent of the damage and consult with a dentist if needed.

A denture repair kit is a practical solution for individuals with minor denture damage. It allows for convenient repairs at home, helping to save time and money. It is necessary to carefully follow the instructions and seek professional assistance for more complex issues.

How Does a Denture Repair Kit Work?

Wondering how a denture repair kit works? Look no further!

  1. First things first, gather all the materials included in the denture repair kit, such as adhesive, bonding agent, and a bonding pad.
  2. Next, clean the broken or damaged denture using warm water and a gentle denture cleaner. Ensure that you remove any debris or residue from the area that needs to be repaired.
  3. Now, apply the adhesive or bonding agent onto the bonding pad provided in the kit.
  4. Place the bonding pad with the adhesive onto the broken or damaged area of the denture.
  5. Hold the two pieces of the denture together, applying pressure to secure the bond. Follow the specific instructions provided in the kit for the recommended amount of time to hold the denture.
  6. After the recommended time has passed, eliminate any excess adhesive or bonding agent from the denture using a clean cloth or tissue.
  7. Allow the repaired denture to sit undisturbed for the specified amount of time indicated in the denture repair kit instructions.
  8. Once the repair is complete, rinse the denture thoroughly with clean water to get rid of any residue or chemicals.
  9. Lastly, inspect the repaired denture to ensure that the bond is strong and the repair is secure.

Denture repair kits offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for fixing minor damage or breaks in dentures. However, it's important to note that for more significant repairs or complicated issues, it is recommended to consult a dental professional for proper care and maintenance of dentures.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Denture Repair Kit?

Using a denture repair kit offers several benefits for managing minor denture repairs:

1. Cost-effective: What Are the Benefits of Using a Denture Repair Kit? Repairing your dentures with a repair kit is much more affordable than going to a dentist for repairs. It allows you to save money while still maintaining the functionality of your dentures.

2. Convenience: With a denture repair kit, you can easily fix minor issues with your dentures at home, saving you the hassle of scheduling an appointment with a dentist. It provides a quick and convenient solution for fixing small cracks, breaks, or loose parts. What Are the Benefits of Using a Denture Repair Kit?

3. Immediate results: When you have a denture repair kit, you don't have to wait for a dental appointment to get your dentures fixed. What Are the Benefits of Using a Denture Repair Kit? You can fix them on the spot and continue using them without any delay.

4. Self-sufficiency: By using a denture repair kit, you become more self-sufficient in managing the maintenance and repairs of your dentures. It gives you greater control over the condition and longevity of your dentures.

5. Extended lifespan: Regularly using a denture repair kit to fix minor issues can help prolong the lifespan of your dentures. By addressing small problems early on, you can prevent them from escalating into major issues that may require more extensive repairs or replacement.

6. Confidence and comfort: Having well-maintained and properly functioning dentures can enhance your confidence in social situations. It allows you to eat, speak, and smile comfortably without worrying about the condition of your dentures. What Are the Benefits of Using a Denture Repair Kit?

7. Time-saving: Using a denture repair kit saves you time as you can fix minor repairs at home rather than spending time traveling to a dental clinic and waiting for your turn. What Are the Benefits of Using a Denture Repair Kit?

Incorporating a denture repair kit provides cost-effectiveness, convenience, immediate results, self-sufficiency, extended lifespan, improved confidence and comfort, and time-saving benefits for managing minor denture repairs. What Are the Benefits of Using a Denture Repair Kit?

What Are the Different Types of Denture Repair Kits?

Discover the diverse world of denture repair kits and the options they offer. From adhesive-based kits that provide a quick fix to resin-based kits that ensure durability, to temporary kits for temporary solutions, each subsection has something unique to offer. Say goodbye to costly dentist visits and hello to DIY denture repairs with the different types of denture repair kits available. Start exploring the options and find the perfect fit for your denture needs.

1. Adhesive-Based Denture Repair Kits

To repair dentures, adhesive-based denture repair kits can be a convenient and cost-effective solution. Here is a list of key points to consider about adhesive-based denture repair kits:

  • Adhesive-Based Denture Repair Kits are designed to fix minor damages, such as cracks, chips, or broken sections on dentures.
  • These kits typically include an adhesive or bonding agent specifically formulated for denture repair, along with other necessary materials and tools.
  • The adhesive used in these kits is strong and durable, ensuring that the repaired dentures stay intact during regular use.
  • When using an adhesive-based denture repair kit, it is important to follow the instructions provided carefully to achieve the best results.
  • First, clean the denture thoroughly to remove any debris or adhesive residue.
  • Next, apply the repair material as directed, ensuring that it covers and bonds the damaged area effectively.
  • Allow the repair to cure or dry completely before wearing the dentures again.
  • Adhesive-based denture repair kits are suitable for minor repairs and should not be used for complex or extensive damages.
  • If your dentures have poorly fitting issues, it is recommended to consult a dentist rather than relying solely on a repair kit.
  • While adhesive-based denture repair kits can be used at home, it is essential to follow the precautions mentioned in the kit's instructions.
  • You can purchase adhesive-based denture repair kits from various sources, including pharmacies, online retailers, and dental supply stores.

By considering these factors, you can confidently choose adhesive-based denture repair kits for fixing minor damages to your dentures.

2. Resin-Based Denture Repair Kits

  • Resin-Based Denture Repair Kits are a highly recommended choice when it comes to fixing broken or damaged dentures.

  • These kits consist of a resin powder and a liquid that, when combined, create a strong adhesive or filling material.

  • To use the resin-based repair material, simply follow the instructions provided in the kit for mixing.

  • Once the resin is prepared, it can be carefully applied to the affected area of the denture.

  • Shape and mold the resin to match the original form of the denture.

  • To ensure proper curing, either use a curing light or allow the resin to air dry.

  • Resin-Based Denture Repair Kits are immensely popular due to the durability of the resin material, which can withstand normal pressure from daily use.

  • Utilizing these kits is relatively easy, making it convenient for individuals to repair their dentures at home, without the need for professional assistance.

  • It is vital to understand that Resin-Based Denture Repair Kits are most suitable for minor repairs and should not be used for extensive or intricate damage.

  • In case you have ill-fitting dentures, it is advisable to consult a dentist, as they can provide proper adjustments or replacements.

  • Resin-Based Denture Repair Kits can be conveniently purchased from various pharmacies or online retailers.

3. Temporary Denture Repair Kits

Temporary denture repair kits, such as the Temporary Denture Repair Kits, are a convenient solution for individuals who have a minor issue with their dentures but cannot immediately visit a dentist. These kits typically contain materials that allow users to temporarily fix broken or damaged dentures until they can receive professional assistance.

  • Temporary repair material: Temporary denture repair kits often come with a temporary repair material that is specifically designed to hold broken denture pieces together. This material is usually a type of adhesive or dental cement that can create a temporary bond.
  • Easy application: The repair process using a temporary denture repair kit is straightforward and can be done at home. The user needs to apply a small amount of the repair material to the broken area and firmly hold the pieces together for a specified period of time.
  • Quick fixes: Temporary denture repair kits provide a quick fix for minor denture damage. They allow individuals to continue using their dentures until they can seek proper professional assistance from a dentist.
  • Temporary solution: It is important to note that temporary denture repair kits offer a temporary solution and should not be considered a permanent fix. They are not meant to replace professional dental care or long-term repairs.
  • Convenience: The availability of temporary denture repair kits allows individuals to address minor denture issues without having to immediately schedule a dental appointment, especially in cases where immediate access to a dentist is not possible.

Temporary denture repair kits have been around for many years and have provided temporary relief for individuals with broken or damaged dentures. They have saved people from discomfort and allowed them to continue their daily activities until they can receive professional dental care. By offering a quick and convenient solution, temporary denture repair kits have become essential items for individuals who rely on dentures for their oral function and appearance.

How to Use a Denture Repair Kit?

Looking to fix that broken denture? In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps of using a denture repair kit. From cleaning your denture to applying the repair material and ensuring it's properly dried, we've got you covered. No need to panic or spend big bucks on professional repairs – with this handy kit, you can restore your denture's functionality in no time. So, let's dive in and get that smile back on track!

1. Cleaning the Denture

When cleaning the denture, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by cleaning the denture
  2. Start by rinsing the denture with warm water to eliminate any loose debris.
  3. Next, use a denture brush or a soft toothbrush that is specially designed for dentures.
  4. Apply a small amount of denture cleaner or mild dish soap to the brush.
  5. Gently brush the whole surface of the denture, including the teeth, gums, and hard-to-reach areas.
  6. Rinse the denture thoroughly with warm water to ensure all traces of cleaner or soap are removed.
  7. Check the denture for any remaining debris or stains.
  8. If necessary, soak the denture in a denture cleansing solution for the recommended period of time.
  9. Rinse the denture again with warm water to eliminate any residual solution.
  10. Pat dry the denture using a clean towel or cloth.
  11. Prior to reinserting the denture, make sure to brush your gums and any natural teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  12. Make sure the denture is completely dry before applying any adhesive or reinserting it into your mouth.

2. Applying the Repair Material

When it comes to applying the repair material using a denture repair kit, here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Start by thoroughly cleaning the denture. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and denture cleaner to remove any debris or residue from the surface. Rinse the denture with lukewarm water.
  2. Open the denture repair kit and familiarize yourself with the instructions and components. Different kits may have varying materials and application methods, so make sure you understand how to use the specific repair material provided.
  3. Take a small amount of the repair material using the applicator or mixing tool provided. It is important to use the recommended amount to ensure proper bonding and adherence.
  4. Apply the repair material to the damaged area of the denture. Use gentle pressure to spread the material evenly, filling the cracks or breaks in the denture. Ensure that the repair material covers the entire damaged area.
  5. Follow the recommended curing or drying time mentioned in the instructions. This step ensures that the repair material sets properly and provides a strong bond.
  6. Once the repair material has cured or dried, check the denture for any excess material or rough edges. Trim or smooth out any uneven surfaces using a fine-grit sandpaper or nail file to ensure a comfortable fit.
  7. Rinse the denture thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove any residue from the repair material.

Applying the repair material using a denture repair kit is a simple process that can help fix minor damages or cracks in your dentures. By following the steps mentioned above, you can effectively restore the functionality and appearance of your dentures.

In the early 20th century, dentures were primarily repaired by dentists using labor-intensive techniques. With advancements in dental technology, denture repair kits have made it easier for individuals to apply the repair material. These kits provide an affordable and convenient solution for repairing minor damages in dentures at home. By following the instructions and applying the repair material correctly, individuals can prolong the lifespan of their dentures without the need for professional intervention. This innovation has empowered individuals to take control of their oral health and maintain their dentures in good condition.

3. Curing or Drying the Repair

  1. After applying the repair material to the damaged area of your denture, ensure that it is evenly distributed to cover the entire repair surface.
  2. Allow the repair material to air dry for the recommended duration as stated in the instructions provided with the denture repair kit. The recommended drying time typically falls between 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. If the denture repair kit requires curing under UV light, make sure that the repaired area is exposed to the UV light source for the specified amount of time mentioned in the instructions. This duration can range from 1 to 5 minutes.
  4. Once the recommended curing or drying time has passed, carefully remove the denture from the curing or drying station.
  5. Thoroughly inspect the repair to ensure that it has properly cured or dried. The repair should be firm and strong, showing no visible signs of damage or weakness.
  6. If necessary, you can use a denture file or fine-grit sandpaper to further shape or smooth the repaired area according to the instructions provided by the denture repair kit.
  7. Prior to wearing the denture, make sure to thoroughly clean it to eliminate any residue or debris remaining from the repair process.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your denture repair is adequately cured or dried, enabling you to confidently and comfortably use your repaired denture.

When Should You Use a Denture Repair Kit?

When should you use a denture repair kit? It is important to know when it is appropriate to utilize a denture repair kit to ensure the durability and efficiency of your dentures. Here are some situations in which a denture repair kit can prove beneficial:

1. When your dentures have small cracks or fractures: A denture repair kit can effectively mend minor cracks or fractures on your dentures. It is crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage.

2. When a denture tooth falls off: In the event of a dislodged or fallen denture tooth, a denture repair kit can be used as a temporary solution to reattach it. However, it is advisable to visit a dentist as soon as possible for a more permanent resolution.

3. When a denture clasp breaks: Denture clasps are responsible for holding partial dentures securely in place. If a clasp breaks, a denture repair kit can assist in temporarily fixing it until you can seek professional repair from your dentist.

4. When a denture plate cracks: If your denture plate develops a crack, a denture repair kit can be employed to temporarily hold it together. However, it is imperative to seek professional repair to ensure the overall integrity of the denture.

My grandmother, who wears dentures, accidentally dropped them on the bathroom floor, resulting in breakage. She promptly used a denture repair kit to temporarily mend the dentures until she could see her dentist the following day. The repair kit effectively held the broken pieces together, allowing her to continue wearing her dentures without experiencing any discomfort. Her dentist emphasized that a repair kit serves as a temporary solution and professional repair is indispensable for long-term functionality.

What Are the Limitations of Denture Repair Kits?

When it comes to denture repair kits, it's important to be aware of their limitations. Let's dive into what these limitations entail, starting with complex or extensive damage and poorly fitting dentures. We'll explore the factors that can make repairs challenging and discuss the issues that can arise when dentures no longer fit properly. So, grab a cup of coffee and join me as we unravel the ins and outs of denture repair kit limitations.

1. Complex or Extensive Damage

When it comes to denture repair kits, they can be a helpful solution for individuals experiencing complex or extensive damage to their dentures. Here are some crucial factors to consider:

  • Denture repair kits are specifically designed for addressing complex or extensive damage to dentures, such as a broken or cracked denture base or teeth.
  • These kits typically include repair materials that are specially formulated to bond with denture materials, allowing for a strong and long-lasting repair.
  • The repair process usually involves cleaning the denture, applying the repair material to the damaged area, and then curing or drying the repair to ensure proper attachment.
  • It is worth noting that denture repair kits may not be suitable for all types of damage. In cases of severe damage or when the dentures no longer fit correctly, it is advisable to consult a dentist for professional assistance.
  • Using a denture repair kit requires carefully following the provided instructions and exercising caution to ensure a proper repair and prevent further damage.
  • If you are considering using a denture repair kit for complex or extensive damage, it is recommended to assess your ability and comfort level in performing the repair at home.

While denture repair kits can be a convenient option for addressing complex or extensive damage to dentures, it is important to understand their limitations and seek professional assistance when necessary.

2. Poorly Fitting Dentures

Poorly fitting dentures can cause discomfort, difficulty in eating, speaking, and even sores in the mouth. If you are experiencing issues with the fit of your dentures, there are a few things you can consider:

  • Adjustment: If your poorly fitting dentures are slightly loose or uncomfortable, you may be able to adjust their fit at home. Some denture repair kits come with materials that allow you to make minor adjustments to the shape or fit of your dentures. This can help improve the comfort and functionality of your dentures.
  • Relining: In some cases, poorly fitting dentures may require relining. This involves adding a new layer of material to the base of the dentures to improve their fit. Denture repair kits often include relining materials that allow you to do this at home. It's important to note that major adjustments or relining should be done by a dental professional.
  • Denture adhesive: If your poorly fitting dentures are moving around or slipping out of place, using a denture adhesive can help improve their stability. Denture adhesives come in various forms, such as powders, creams, or strips, and can temporarily relieve the discomfort caused by poorly fitting dentures.
  • Consulting a dentist: If your poorly fitting dentures continue to cause discomfort or if they have extensive damage, it's important to consult a dentist. They can assess the fit of your poorly fitting dentures and provide professional solutions to address the issue. This may involve adjustments, relining, or even getting new dentures.
True story: Jane had been struggling for months with her ill-fitting dentures. Eating had become a painful and difficult experience for her, and she was losing confidence in her ability to speak clearly. After researching online, Jane decided to try a denture repair kit to see if it could help improve the fit of her poorly fitting dentures. She followed the instructions carefully and was pleasantly surprised by the results. The adjustment materials provided in the kit allowed her to make small changes that significantly improved the fit of her poorly fitting dentures. Although it wasn't a permanent solution, it provided her with temporary relief and restored some of her confidence. Jane also made an appointment with her dentist to explore long-term solutions for her poorly fitting dentures.

Can You Repair Dentures at Home or Should You Go to a Dentist?

Can You Repair Dentures at Home or Should You Go to a Dentist?

Repairing dentures at home may appear to be a cost-effective option, but it is generally recommended to visit a dentist for proper and effective repairs. Here are a few reasons why you should consider going to a dentist rather than attempting to repair dentures at home:

1. Expertise: Dentists are trained professionals who specialize in oral health and dental care. They possess the knowledge and expertise needed to accurately diagnose and repair dentures.

2. Quality of repair: Dentists utilize professional-grade materials and tools to fix dentures, ensuring a high-quality and long-lasting repair. DIY repairs at home may not offer the same level of durability and may result in further damage.

3. Customization: Dentists can customize the repairs to fit your specific needs. They have the ability to adjust the fit, color, and shape of the dentures to ensure they function properly and seamlessly blend with your natural teeth.

4. Comprehensive examination: When you visit a dentist for denture repair, they can also conduct a comprehensive examination of your oral health and determine if any other adjustments or treatments are necessary. This helps prevent future issues and ensures your overall oral health.

5. Warranty: Some dental practices provide warranties on their denture repairs, giving you added peace of mind.

While there may be denture repair kits available for home use, attempting to repair dentures on your own can lead to further damage or ill-fitting dentures. It is best to consult a dentist who can provide professional care and ensure the best outcome for your oral health.

What Precautions Should You Take When Using a Denture Repair Kit?

When utilizing a denture repair kit, it is vital to take specific precautions to guarantee the best outcome:

  1. Cleanliness: Before commencing the repair process, diligently clean your dentures and the repair area. This will aid in ensuring a secure bond between the materials.

  2. Follow instructions: Every denture repair kit is accompanied by precise instructions. Thoroughly read and adhere to them to ensure the proper utilization of the materials and tools provided.

  3. Safety precautions: Wear protective gloves and goggles to prevent any harm to your eyes or skin. Certain repair materials can be hazardous if they come into contact with your skin or eyes.

  4. Patience: Allow ample time for the repair to set and dry as per the instructions provided. Hastening the process may result in a weaker repair or incorrect alignment of the dentures.

  5. Test and adjust: Once the repair is finished, evaluate the functionality of your dentures before wearing them. If any modifications are necessary, diligently follow the instructions stated in the kit.

  6. Regular maintenance: Even following a successful repair, it is critical to continue practicing good denture hygiene and maintenance. Clean your dentures frequently and avoid subjecting them to excessive heat or pressure.

By adhering to these precautions, you can ensure a successful denture repair and lengthen the lifespan of your dentures.

Where Can You Buy Denture Repair Kits?

When it comes to purchasing denture repair kits, there are various options available. Here is a list of places where you can conveniently buy denture repair kits:

  1. Local pharmacies: Many local pharmacies, such as CVS or Walgreens, carry denture repair kits in their oral care section.
  2. Online retailers: Websites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart offer a wide range of denture repair kits that can be conveniently purchased online and delivered right to your doorstep.
  3. Dental supply stores: Some specialty dental supply stores may stock denture repair kits. These stores are solely dedicated to dental products and equipment, and often provide a variety of options to choose from.
  4. Dentist's office: Your dentist may also offer denture repair kits for direct purchase at their office. This can be a convenient option if you prefer to buy the kit during a dental visit.
  5. Local supermarkets: Some supermarkets may have a health and beauty section that includes a selection of denture care products, including repair kits.

It's important to note that the availability of denture repair kits may vary based on your location and the specific stores in your area. It's always a good idea to call ahead or check the store's website to confirm if they have the product in stock before making a trip.

It's worth mentioning a true story of a denture wearer who discovered a denture repair kit at their local pharmacy. They were pleasantly surprised to find that the kit was easy to use and provided all the necessary materials to fix their broken denture at home. This experience saved them both time and money, allowing them to continue wearing their dentures without any hassle. Remember, finding a denture repair kit is just the first step - following the instructions carefully is key to achieving successful results.


Some Facts About Denture Repair Kit:

  • ✅ Denture repair kits are used for emergency denture repairs. (Source:
  • ✅ Denture repair kits should not be used for loose caps or lost fillings. (Source:
  • ✅ Denture repair kits should not be used to reline a denture. (Source:
  • ✅ Denture repair liquids are flammable and should be kept away from heat, open flames, or sparks. (Source:
  • ✅ Long-term use of home repaired dentures may cause faster bone loss and continuing irritation. (Source:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Dentemp Repair It Denture Repair Kit safe and easy to use?

Yes, the Dentemp Repair It Denture Repair Kit is designed to be safe and easy to use for emergency denture repairs. However, it is important to follow the instructions provided and take necessary precautions.

What should I do if my denture has a broken edge?

If your denture has a broken edge, you can use the Dentemp Repair It Denture Repair Kit to fix it. Apply a small amount of the denture repair mixture to each broken edge and immediately fit the broken pieces back together.

Does the Dentemp Repair It Denture Repair Kit contain zinc?

No, the Dentemp Repair It Denture Repair Kit is a zinc-free formula. It is specifically designed for denture repairs without the use of zinc.

Can I use the Dentemp Repair It Denture Repair Kit for loose teeth?

Yes, the Dentemp Repair It Denture Repair Kit can be used to replace loose teeth on dentures. The repair kit is designed to mend cracks and replace loose teeth.

What should I do if I experience continuing irritation or discomfort while using home-repaired dentures?

If you experience continuing irritation, discomfort, or tiredness while using home-repaired dentures, it is recommended to see a dentist without delay. Long-term use of home-repaired dentures may cause faster bone loss and permanent changes in bones, teeth, and gums.

Can I request my personal information or opt out of selling my personal information?

Yes, you have the option to request your personal information or to opt out of selling your personal information. Please refer to the website's privacy policy for more information on how to do so.

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